Garrett Chin

Media Specialist

PDF Resume


Visual Portfolio


BOSS Videos

The following are graphics I made for Isom Global Strategies to promote their women-centric online networking platform.

DICE4X Twitch Graphics

The following are graphics I made for DICE4X, a streamer and friend of mine.

Web Design and Management


During my time at DatapointLabs I worked to wedesign the company website. I worked on many facets of the website from conceptualizing the design to implementation and content writing.

Here is a comparison of what the website looked like before I came aboard and after, you can click on either image to see an archived version of the site:

While at Isom Global Strategies I managed content and design for a few websites, both for clients and for in-house brands. Here are a few examples

D&D Installations (Client)



GA Tech Manufacturing Summit

Graphic Design

Animated BOSS Graphics

I make the following graphics to accompany emails for Isom Global Strategies' BOSS networking platform.

Writing Samples

DatapointLabs Writing

At DatapointLabs I wrote and edited much of our marketing materials.

Here are a few links to some of the newletters I wrote/editted.

Social Media Planning

I have worked on a variety of Social Media projects in the past. I managed and worked on social media for many student organization during my time at Ithaca College including the Ithaca Pan Asian American Film Festival, and the Ground Up Crew. Afterwards I made posts for DatapointLabs.

I also have experience working on and creating Social Media Plans.

Here is an in depth strategic plan for Social Media I created with other students on behalf of an alumni.

Click here if link broken

UX Report

Reports and proper note taking are essential to UX/UI design. Therefore I take proper documentation very seriously. Here is a UX/UI documentation I worked on as a Senior Project with a few other students.

Here is an in depth strategic plan for Social Media I created with other students on behalf of an alumni.

Click here if link broken

Visual Data Reports

While I cannot share company data, I can share some sample data I have made visualizations for.

Click here if link broken

Email Samples

Here are two emails I made to promote in-house Isom Global brands. I designed, strategized, wrote, and scheduled these and other emails for clients and for these two brands.

About Me

Ithaca College BB-8 Builders

BB-8 Builders Club

In my last year at Ithaca College I led a team of students in building a life sized working BB-8. I was awarded a James B. Pendleton Grant for student research. This project required a synthesis of many of my skills, like 3D printing, programming, and social media outreach. The parts are all 3D printed and the electronics and motor controls are all based on schematics we made specifically for this project. In April 2019, the year after my graduation, we were proud to present our work and its application to STEM education at Star Wars Celebration 2019. The Ithaca College newspaper even published a story about us.

Diversity and Activism

Diversity & Activism

During my time at Ithaca College I was involved in many causes. I worked with the Asian American Allience, the Ithaca Pan Asian American Film Festival, and I was the President of Ground Up Crew, a breakdancing crew focused on education and awareness of social causes. My efforts did not go unnoticed and I earned myself a Campus Inspiration Award from the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs.

The lessons I learned and the values I shared with others have not left me after graduation, and I strive to bring an aura of inclusivity wherever I go.